Flutter vs. React Native — The truth (from a Flutter developer, 2023)

Hitesh Sapra
2 min readAug 1, 2023

Flutter and React Native are two of the most popular cross-platform mobile app development frameworks. Both frameworks have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice for you will depend on your specific needs.

Flutter is a relatively new framework, but it has quickly gained popularity due to its high performance, beautiful UI, and ease of use. Flutter apps are compiled to native code, which means that they are as fast as native apps. Flutter also provides a rich set of UI widgets that make it easy to create beautiful and responsive user interfaces.

React Native is a more mature framework that has been around for longer than Flutter. React Native apps are built using JavaScript, which means that they can be developed by a wide range of developers. React Native also has a large community of developers and libraries, which makes it easy to find help and resources.

Here is a table comparing the two frameworks:

So, which framework is right for you?

If you are looking for a framework that is fast, beautiful, and easy to use, then Flutter is a good choice. If you are looking for a framework that has a large community and a wide range of libraries, then React Native is a good choice.

Here are some additional factors to consider when choosing between Flutter and React Native:

  • Your team’s skill sets: If your team is already familiar with JavaScript, then React Native may be a better choice. However, if your team is new to cross-platform development, then Flutter may be a better choice because it is easier to learn.
  • The type of app you are building: If you are building an app that requires complex animations or a lot of user interaction, then Flutter may be a better choice. However, if you are building a simple app, then React Native may be a good choice.
  • Your budget: Flutter is a newer framework, so it may be more expensive to develop an app with Flutter than React Native. However, the cost of development may be offset by the faster performance of Flutter apps.

Ultimately, the best way to decide which framework is right for you is to try both Flutter and React Native and see which one you prefer.

In my opinion, Flutter is the better choice for most projects. It is faster, more beautiful, and easier to use than React Native.

However, React Native is still a great framework, and it may be a better choice for some projects.

