Hitesh Sapra
3 min readMay 10, 2023


Google IO 2023

Gmail Mail auto suggest AI

Gmail Mail auto mail writes with mailing information

- Smart Replay

- Smart Compose

- Help Me Write

Immersive View for routes

- Google Maps 20B kilometers of directions provided every day

- increment more 15 cities during this year

- Real time weather data show

Magic Edit Google Photos

- 1.7B image edits in the month

- Crop image creates the shape


1. Gecko

2. Otter

3. Bison

4. Unicorn

Making Al helpful for everyone

- Improve knowledge and learning

- Boost creativity and productivity

- Enable others to innovate

- Build and deploy responsibly

Bard AI (New Products) https://bard.google.com/

- Coding with Bard

- Code generation

- Explaining code

20+ programming languages #go, #asp, C++ #C# #dart #groovy #html / #css #java #javascript #kotlin #r #googlesheets #matlab #php #ruby #rust #sql #swift #python and more

Bard + tools

- Secure by default

- Private by design

- You’re in control

- Search to google and Export sheet

- Create with Adobe Firefly Photo

- Bard open in 180+ Country

Google Workspace AI

- Google Docs User can write docs some data like. Job description, etc.

- Google Sheet Write some data case and sheet is ready to note

- Google Slid: User can create image generation and text in slid

- Duet AI for Workspace

Labs (New Products) https://labs.withgoogle.com/

Vertex Al platform https://cloud.google.com/vertex-ai

character.ai https://beta.character.ai/

Google Cloud

- Use the power of Al to transform the way you work

Duet Al for Google Cloud

- Auto completion

- Generate function

A3 Virtual Machines @ NVIDIA. H100

PaLM API Firebase

Universal Translator

Bold and responsible Al

Magic Composer, Make conversations expressive

Bringing @ emojis to your wallpaper

Google Pixel G2 Chip

Tensor + Android + Al

Google Pixel 7a with G2 Chip for under $499

Pixel Tablet Tensor G2 with Titan M2 for under $499

Pixel Fold starts at $1799

Please do #like and #share with your network to help each other

#android #android #coding #coding #programming #programming #programming #programming #learning #ai #work #network #data #power #google #productivity #creativity #design #cloud #job #export #export #help

